Sept. 10,2008

Hey! How are things going? How is the family doing? How is juston? i worry about him out here so much. i pray that things are getting better for him. steve finally sent me a letter, well he sent an email to his mother to send to me. so i received that today. all he talked about was the cool fun things that he has been doing lately without. which doesnt that just help to keep me from getting a little trunky. the little butt, it seems like he trying to get to come home or something. but that isnt going to work. things have been really well here. we are finally going to have a couple of baptisms this week. two, a mother and a daughter, we wanted to baptize the father as well. but he has a problem with the WW and are going to have to help him out with a little before he can be baptized. and then the ward here is finally wanting to start working with the missionaries so they gave us five families to work with and try to reactivate them. so my companion are going to be helping them with that, and are hoping that in return they will be willing to help us bring people to church and also come with us to our lessons so that they can give the investigators some support. which will really help us to get some baptisms. but things have been going really well. on the 30 of this month i will have exactly 1 year and 6 months until i will heading home, or the mission will end for me. but who is counting......right. =P not me...........i am just kidding, but things are going really well. it sounds like you guys had a great a stake conference, two apostles where there atleast that is what it sounds like. and that definetly means that they were there to help out someone. because the Lord never sends the Keys of the Priesthood anywhere without a good reason, and to send two apostles to one place together is even greater a possibility that the Lord is looking out for someone that really needed to hear the words from them. but maybe i misunderstood and it wasnt the apostles that where there. but i think that is what you meant. but things are going really well here. my companion is really excited to go home, really really excited. and now that i told him that we are going to McDonalds he is really excited even more. so he is happy and things are going well. when he leaves i well be getting new companion and i will have the opportunity of pretty much like training for a week and showing him the area and all that good stuff. but yeah that isnt for quite awhile. but things are going really well. and i love you guys and i miss you tons. Keep your heads up and the Lord will show you what you calling in life is right now. maybe your calling is to just help juston and kaya for right now, they really do need your help at this time. especially juston, try and do things with kaya and him. like set up a day in advance to go somewhere with both of them like the movies or bowling or camping or a fun night with kezia and them. think of something up with kaya that you guys can do to help juston out. spend some time with him, it will help out a lot. and well tell everyone that i love them and that miss them and that you are only going to get 79 more letters until we will be able to talk face to face. i love you and try not to get trunky or anything. haha jk but love you guys and here the address to my companions house in São Paulo.

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