Aug. 25,2008

Hey! well i was a little sad to see that i hadnt recieved anything from my own family on p-day this week. i know that p-day is normally wednesday, but they moved it to monday this week, and just for this week. because we have a conference with the Area Authorities this week and so they moved for that reason. but yeah nothing really new has been going on, things are going really well, and things seem to be picking up a little in this area and i am starting to like it a little more. yesterday my companion and i had a pretty good day. and we had a good last lesson of the night with a man that we met drunk in the street last week. we schedules to go to his house on saturday night, but we ran out of time and had to be back in our house. so we decided to go by there last night, and when we arrived you was excited to see us and we had a great visit with him and we taught the first lesson and the spirit was really strong and i think that it was probably on of the best lessons that i have had on the mission so far. it always seems like when i teach the best too is when the spirit is really strong. because i know that it isnt me, but it is the spirit. the words come off my lips smoother and everything just goes smoother. and i know that it isnt i or my companion, but the spirit. the gift of tongues works so much better when the spirit is there to testify and to help me. it was a great lesson because the spirit was there to guide us and to help us. and after the lesson he explained to us that he was in his house alone and that he was waiting for someone to come by, or for something to do. and then we knocked on his door. it was a great experience and i really hope that something will come out of this one. we have a couple of baptisms scheldules for not next week but the week after. and things are going really well. but i really dont have a ton of things to talk about but i just wanted o write you and let you know that i love and things are going great here. i hope that everything is going even better for you guys.i love you so much and sent some letters to kaya and juston last week, so they should be getting those here in the next week or so. hmmm.......and since i wont recieve a letter from you until next week, it better be a HUGE one. two weeks worth or more. but i love you and i miss you, give loves to everyone for me.
Com Amor, Élder Jory B. Spotts

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