Mar. 11, 2009

Mother, dont sell bruiser! send him to juston if you have to. but dont sell him, please dont sell him. but how have you all been? how is life going? how is the ward? i dont really know anything that i want you to tell about. but maybe a few of the cool stories that i have told you. or something like that, because i sure have sent you a few of those you know. you could tell them that we are going baptize a future stake president because they accepted to be baptized on the 28th of this month. and i am super excited for that. they are just such an amazing family, the one that i told you about last week. they been progressing really well. he stopped drinking after the first visit and we didnt even teach the Word of Wisdom. he just said that he didnt have the desire to drink any more after the first visit that we did in his house. it is awesome. but you can tell them about anything that you want. but i do want you to read this when you talk: Hello, Slate Canyon 4th. i am sorry that i couldnt make it today. but i am little preocupied spreading the gospel. which has been the greatest opportunity that i have been given in all my life. i have been experiencing things that i never thought could happen. i have learning things that only a mission can teach you. and i have been fried by the sun in the mean time, i mean it is like really hot here. but i just wanted to leave you all with my testimony that i am a witness that this is a marvelous work that the Lord has started among His children. this is the work of God and He IS the hand that makes it go forward. The gospel is true! That is such a simple but powerful phrase. many people dont realize the amazing blessing that the Lord has given us in a living Prophet. Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and he is guided by the hand of God. This is His church and it is perfect. i love the gospel with all my heart. i know that if we try our best to do our best we will be blessed. because no one is perfect but we can be perfected in Christ. i once heard from a missionary here in this mission somthing that i will always remember. but he said it in portuguese i need to translate it real fast......Everyday when we wake up we look at ourselves in the mirror. and if you see the same person that you say yesterday you have wasted an entire 24 hours of your life......may we have the strength to do our best to be our best. i love you all and i hope that you all have a wonderful sunday. sorry i didnt have anything way inspire to say. but i hope that everyone there is doing well. i love you all. and dont forget that if you guys want you totally write me. but Bom Dia But how have you been doing mom. i hope that everthing is going good for you and that you are having a good day. i sure do love you mom and am thankful for al that you do and have done for me in my life. but how is kaya doing? and how is the family? how is grandma roberts doing? how is work? how are the jazz doing? well things here are going good like said. we marked the baptism of the family that rocks. but i did have a pretty cool little experience in which i learned a good lesson. on thursday last week i felt the desire to visit this family in the area that are already members. but we didnt have time to until monday, and by that time a young women from the family lost her boy friend to cancer. she is only sixteen and it was really hard on her. but we went there and my companion and i decided to leave a message about gratitude. so we used a talk from last conference that President Thomas S. Monson gave and the lesson went really well. it was a very spiritual message where we had everyone share about one thing that they are grateful for. the spirit was there very strong and it touched my heart. while I was teaching I was being taught by the spirit. i started realizing a lot of things that my Father in Heaven as done for me. about how He has blessed me so much on the mission. how i have had the opportunity to help so many people and how i have been moved so much. i am eternally indebted to Him for His uncomprehensible love. i cant understand why He loves or how, but i know that He does. He loves me more that i deserve. i am just so grateful for everything that i have learned on the mission. the Lord has grabbed a handful of mud and is molding that mud into something and that something is turning into who i someday will be. but i love you mom and i hope that you have a great day and that the Saviour takes care of you all for me. i love you and give kaya a hug for me. and i thought a lot about grandpa this week mom and i sure do miss him.
With Love, Elder Jory Brent Spotts

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