May 6, 2009

Hey! How is everyone doing? how was your week this week? i hope that everything is going good. things here have been alright. the trip on the amazon was pretty cool. i didnt see any monkeys though because we were going so fast on the river, but we were able to see some tucans(but didnt get picture of them) some fresh water dolphins, sting ray, and a ton of trees and birds and houses full of water, and some boats and a HUGE ship too. i wasnt able to get any pictures of any animals because we were moving so fast but i did take about 50 or pictures and i will try and sendsome to your guys. i will be going to Manaus sometime soon to renew my visa and i will need to buy a cable to be able to send pictures to you guys through the internet and it will be much easier. but you will just have to wait until i go to the city, which should be some time soon. But things are going really well here, we are having a little bit if trouble finding people that are ready to hear the gospel and are willing to follow it. so we are looking and trying to find people to teach. but with patience and hard work we will find them. but things are going good. we will have a baptism next week, atleast we are planning on having it if nothing goes wrong until then. We had zone conference and that went really well. i really enjoyed the trainings that we received and hope that it will be able to help me out. And i am excited to drive my new car when i get home now. atleast that will happen if Kaya decides to take good care of it. Do you think that she is capable of that? teach her how to be smart with my car please. and hey what the heck is this that i hear about the Pig Flu of something like that. it would be nice to have a little bit of information on that. because all i hear is that everyone is dying in the United States, because that is what passes on the news. but yeah just fill me in on that.And also forgot to tell you that i was able to play with a monkey here, because he lives on our street here. but he doesnt let you take pictures. every time you reach for your camera he makes an ugly face and runs and hides. but monkeys are really weird, they are exactly like people. but they have hands for feet and really strong tails. but yeah.....So i hear that Brandon is finally going to get married. That is awesome, but i just have one question.......Why the heck does everyone have to get married while i am gone and cannot be there? that is absolutely ridiculous. but i guess that is life, i am sure that when i arrive home no one is going to get married. but whatever......congradulate him for me and tell him that he sucks because he planned on getting married while i am on the mission. and tell him that i atleast want a wedding invitation. But things are going good and i now know that i definetly will not be getting your package for a little while longer, because it hasnt arrived yet and i wont be going to the city anytime before mothers day. but that is alright and about calling to you. i will call you on sunday and then you can call me back. and being that i dont know what time you hav church on sunday i think that you will miss church to talk to me because we have church at night and i cant call during church, so i will have to call you in the morning at like 7:00 your time so that you can try at make it to church. so be ready to answer the phone at 7:00 in the morning. And i will tell you one thing that is really annoying......trying to take mony out of your personal account when it doesnt work. so i dont have any mony right now. becuase i had to buy some new shoes and i bought a hammock for the boat ride as well. because th boat ride was 11 hours and it was over night. so i ran out of cash and well the ATM here sucks. i have tried a bunch of times but it doesnt work. but yeah.....i will get money from the church tomorrow. so i will starve for one more day. jk my companion is buying things for me because he has a little bit of cash.But i am now running out of things to say, but i hope that you are still sending my emails to those people that i told you. Josh, Matt, Justin, and Sherra. but i hope that everyone is doing good and tell Kaya to write me. she doesnt hav any excuse to not write. but i love you and i will talk to you next week. Love you and i miss you.
With Love, Elder Jory B. Spotts (O Cara....Mano)

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