Oct. 29,2008

Hey!how are things going? i hope that all is well. how is steven doing? i really hope that you dont kick him out. but i hope that he finds a job in time. how is work? how is the weather? and the sports world? it sounds the sports are going pretty crazy but it seems like that happens every year. but it is to bad that the craziness isnt going our way. but if the Cowboys dont get their defense together they will not go anyway and the same with the Cougars. but enough of that. things here are going pretty well. we just barely got out of a Zone meeting that was really good. we watched a very good movie about the Book of Mormon and how the gospel changes peoples lives and i felt the spirit a lot in that. and then afterwards the Zone leaders asked me and a couple of other missionaries from the Zone to bear our tesimonies on how the gospel has been such an important part of our lives. and it was just a great meeting that we had. our zone has been having a few problems with baptisms lately and we really havent been having any. but that is starting to change, this past month we almost met our goal for the month and this upcoming month i think that we will be able to reach it. beause just our district will have 4 baptisms this weekend. one being ours, but the other companionship taught her. even though she lives in our area, so the baptisms goes to us but they did all the work. and well we found out about that saturday night so we went to her sisters house and all four of us missionaries taught her and got to know her and we marked a day with her mother to go there and teach them and talk to them because they live in our area but she is always at her sisters house which is in the other elders area. but we went there yesterday and we met her mother, father, and brothrs. and her father has already taken the lessons....15 years ago. so he know quite alot about the church and the reason why he wasnt baptized, was because he didnt believe in baptisms for the dead. and this guy looks exactly like David Hasslehoff from Baywatch, with his mullet and everything. it was the funniest thing, i wish that i had a picture to show you. because he looks exactly like him. but anyways we talked to him about the ordinance of baptisms for the dead and how important that it is and that it is the only way that every single one of God´s children can have the oppotunity to enjoy eternal life. but he just wasnt listening, and i was a little frustrated because he wasnt understanding what we were talking about. and he also talks a thousand miles an hour and for an american that has only been talking portuguese for about 6 months it was hard to understand everything that he was saying. so i just starting asking him questions about, trying to get him to think or ponder about the ordinance and we went over the things that we explained as well a little again. reread the scriptures that we had used from the bible about Christ preaching to the spirits in Prison and some other ones as well and then i started to feel the spirit come in, it was amzing how we had turned an argument into a conversation and invited the spirit in. and he entered the home pretty strong, so i stopped and bore my testimony about it, my companion and i just bore testimony of the importance of the ordinance and how we know with out a doubt that it is an ordinance of the gospel and that it is necessary. and then he stopped asking questions about it, we starting talking about other things and well the next thing we know he is asking us over for dinner and we are going to go back here this week. it was just an amzing experience and to find out he has been trying to find a church and change is life because he has a lot of problems and we talked a lot about faith and how if we want to change we need to take the first step and God does the rest and the spirit was really strong it was an amzing experience to be able to teach the twin of David Hasslehoff from baywatch. and then later yesterday we were teaching the first lesson and again we felt the spirit really strong and it was a pretty good lesson, and after the lesson we asked if they had any questions and the only thing that she said was yea when you guys going to come back? and it was just awesome. so we are going back there as well and we just had a great day yesterday. we find 9 new people to teach and we had great lessons with them yesterday. it has been a good week. haha and we also had a really funny thing happen not to long ago. i think that i told you about the naked homeless lady, but if not she homeless and naked and she lives in our area and i am going to try and take a picture of her and send it to steve since he wants a picture of a naked chick, and it isnt a very pretty sight. but anyways, we were walking down the street together, my companion and i, and then i say something running up form behind us out of the corner of my eye and it didnt have a shirt on, but it just looked like a little kid. because they all walk around without shirts on. but it wasnt.......it was HER.....the naked lady. and she attacked my companion. she just clubbed in the side and hit him. hahahaha it was hilarious i was laughing at him so hard. and afterwards she took off and then strip her pannties off right in front of house and just took off naked down the street. she has some mental problems, but it was hilarious. i couldnt believe it. but yeah that was pretty much our week and well it was a pretty good one. the Lord is starting to bless us and things are looking pretty good. but i got to go, but i love you and i hope that all is well you and the family. tell kaya and juston that i love them and give them hugs for me and steven too, i am going to try and write him today. but i love you and i miss you. have a great day and a happy halloween. thanks for the card, the zone got a kick out it. but i love you and i will talk to you next week. the gospel IS true!!!!!
Com Amor, Élder Jory B. Spotts

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