Feb. 18, 2009

Hey! how did things go for you guys this week? espero que tudo esteja bem( i hope that all is going well) i figured that you need to start learning some portuguese because it seems like you might be coming to pick me up. but how is the family doing? how is robin and his family? how is grandma roberts been doing? you need go over and visit her. i hope that everything is going well for everyone. things here are going pretty well. i did have a couple of days of MAJOR trunkyness last week but i got over it and am doing good now. the baptisms went really well, i performed two of the four baptisms that we had and they went really well. like every baptism the spirit was there, it always is. it just shows the true importance of the first ordinance that we perform. that at times seems to be such a simple thing. you go in the water say a prayer and you get dunked. it really is prety simple but sooo important. the baptisms went well. then we also had a couple of good lessons this week. we havent been able to work a lot in our area lately and with our investigators because of splits that we ALWAYS have to do because of the assistants. so our teaching pool is a little low. but it doesnt matter because just everyone that is in our small teaching pool is progressing and that is all that matters. we have teaching this awesome family Franciane and João. they are progressing really well and are really liking the Book of Mormon. the only problems is that they havent prayed to know the truthfulness of it. becuase she believes that it is true with out the prayer but we still encouraged her to pray because the spirit gives such a stonger testimony than we do of its truthfulness. but they will going to church with is this weekend. they havent been able to go because he works every other sunday. but they are an awesome family. and then yesterday we founf an inactive family that is awesome and how have been wanting to return to church but just havent been able to yet and we are going to try and help them out. we taught them about the importance of the scriptures and we used 1 Nephi 15:25-26(it might be 24-25). but things are going awesome and thanks for the pictures of the baby and jeremiah. i just cant believe that he is a daddy already but it is soo awesome. i am so excited for him. looking at the pictures gets me stooked for when i am going to have kids. but i am still scared of the whole marriage thing. :(..... and i hope that they are doing good as well. but yeah......i cant really think of anything else to say. but it does look like the Jazz are coming back and making a run at the playoffs this year which is awesome. but things are going good here and that is really all that you guys need to know. but i love you all and i hope that everyone is doing really good. and i received two packages but i dont know who they are from yet and you also should be getting an email from the mission becuase of the whole address thing. that you CANNOT send packages to the Caixa Postal address. but i love you and i miss you too. mais 59 semanas!!!!!!
Com Amor, Élder Jory B. Spotts

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