April 29, 2009

Hey! well i hope that all is well with everyone there. i dont know exactly what is going on there with juston and everyone. but i know with certainty because i feel it, that the Lord will take care of him and that everything will be alright in the end. i hope that i can have the opportunity to talk to juston on mothers day as well. but we will have to see how that all works out and if president will let me call dad as well. but i will be with president on Monday because we are going to have Zone Conference. which means that our district here in Maués is going to have the opportunity to travel tens hours by boat to the city where they are going to have Zone Conference. and i am pretty excited about that. the Zone leaders called me last night to tell me that and i got support excited. because there are very few elders that get the opportunity to travel by boat on the amazon river. it is going to be awesome. But this week wasnt a super amazing week. right now i am getting used to my new area and trying to get the hang of being DL and Senior. but things have been going really well so far. we have been able to find a few people that are ready to hear the gospel. we are teaching one lady that is trying to find a church and is looking to get baptized and is really interested in the church. and we all know that when someone is searching with an open heart they are going to feel the truthfulness of the gospel. so we are teaching her and just whating for her to have this answer so that we can mark her baptism. but things here are going really well. i really like this area and the people.....i wont lie we arrived home a little late last night because we last track of time and we talking with a member family that lives on our street. and their daughter is going to go on a mission in June. but the area is awesome and i really like it. the city is on the river bank and it is just beautiful. i am going to try and send you guys some pictures but it is going to be harder now because of were i am. but i am going to see what i can do to try and send some to you all.My companion and i are doing good as well. he is way awesome and things are going really well. today we are going to enjoy P-day but we arent sure what we are going to do. we might do see the other side of town where i havent been yet or we are just going to stay at home. but either way i am happy. we are also going to start teaching english today at the church to see if we cant find some investigators doing that. and by the way the people here LOVE americans. the girls in this city are crazy for them. when you shake their hands you have to yank your hand away from them because they wont let go and they just giggle and tell you that they love you all the time. it is ridiculous. but things are going good. but i really dont have any news or anything that is going on. i am just getting the hang of everything right now. but things are going good and i love you all. oh and is Zech still living with you or is he living in Alaaska? but yeah love you and i will talk to you all next week.
Com Amor, Elder Jory B. Spotts

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