Nov. 19, 2008

Hey! how are things going? i hope that all is well. it sounds like things are pretty crazy at work, but the missionaries in the district got a good laugh out of the guy on the fences. but how is work going? you have got to let me know how the BYU game goes. i am going to pray for them that they win. i am just kidding, but i do hope that they win. but how is the family? how is kaya? i know that they butt head decided to go back to alaska for a little while, but i hope that she knows to make the important decision in life. she needs to do the right things. i dont think that it is right to tell her what she has to do really anymore. but she needs to understand that we only get one shot at life and we need to be careful with every decision that we make and things would be better for her if she stayed in utah. but maybe the Lord has a different plan for her. but i hope that she is careful and that she will come back after her little vacation. but things here are going pretty well for me. my companion and i had a baptism on Sunday, we baptized a 71 year old man. i gues he decided to repent just before he died.....jk but things have been going really well here. my companion is awesome! we have a lot of fun together and we have meeting and teaching some pretty cool people. i had a man stop me in the street a couple of days ago all drugged up and drunk and he just confessed to me about every sin that he has ever comitted. how he had killed people and uses a lot of drugs and how his life pretty much sucks. it was sad to him take and it was weird. i hope things turn out well for him in the end. but my companion and i have been teaching this 21 year old yound man that is really interested in the gospel. he is a brother of a member in our ward and it was pretty cool. the first time that we talked to him he talked about how he had read a book from the Church all the way thru and how he really liked it. and we have been teaching him and we just got down a few days ago with teaching the book of mormon to him and things are looking really good for him. we are hoping that we can baptize him on the 30th of this month. but we will just have to see what happens. but i love you and i miss you. i cant really think of anything else to tell expect that everything is going really for us in Manaus Brazil. but i love you and give everyone hugs for me and tell them that i love them. and thank juleah for the letter that she sent me. i hope all is well for you guys Juleah and Robin, it sounds like Michael is doing pretty well in class. it came as a little bit of a shock to me, but that is good. tell everyone that i say hi there for me. and thank you for everything i love you guys. i love you mom and i miss ya too. GO BYU!!!!!!
Com Amor, Élder Jory B. Spotts

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