July 22, 2009

Olá, eu espero que todo mundo esteja bem. Tivemos mais uma semana de trabalho, mas não foi uma semana tão boa. Mas estamos trabalhando e tentando fazer nosso melhor, mas eu sinto muito saudade de todo mundo. E não ajuda quando ouço que todo mundo está viajando e se divertindo sem mim. Well there is a little bit of Portuguese for you guys, but I will now in English so that you can all understand what I am saying. So this last week hasn’t been a really exciting week, it has actually been a difficult week. But we are making the best out of what we are given and we are trying to keep our heads up. I really don’t even know where to start. But let me think of what I can tell you all that is going on. We have been working a ton and really staying busy, but I am not going to lie. It doesn’t seem like things are going our way. We have been teaching a bunch but we aren’t having any amazing experiences. And being a trainer isn’t the easiest thing to do on the mission. You have to have a lot patience to be a good trainer. And I know that everyone at home knows that I am not the most patient person and I get frustrated quiet easily. So I am thinking that I have been called to be a trainer so that I can develop patience or at least try and develop it. My companion doesn’t know really how to do anything; he is trying to learn everything right now. He is just starting to get the hang of things and I have to do almost everything alone. It is just something that I am not used to doing. I am used to having somebody by my side that knows how everything works and supports me and helps me. But I am now trying to teach almost all the lessons alone and it is difficult, but I am learning and slowing trying to teach my companion. So with patience and a little bit of time things will start to get better. But I am being a little tested right now and am learning. I got sick on Thursday last week as well, but mom nothing to worry about, it is just a cold. I have been coughing; I have a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and at times a runny nose. And I have and a headache for the past few days. So that puts a little bit more stress on me. And I have been really exhausted lately because of the work and the sickness. But yesterday I was able to rest a little bit, because Elder Teixeira, he lives with me, decided to put his hand in the fan and it cut his hand all up. So we had got to the hospital and my companion with Elder Milkanin because they had appointments. So we went to the hospital and decided to return home and wait the other elders and I took a nap that I needed. And then I started feeling a lot better and am starting to feel a little bit better.And you will never believe what happened on Saturday, we went to this guy’s house and he was drunk. But he wanted to talk with us so we entered and I had no idea what to teach the guy because he was drunk. So I just asked him if we could start with a pray and I said the prayer, at least I think I said the prayer. But anyways during the prayer I felt like I should teach the word of wisdom, so I did. But the drunk didn’t like to be told that he shouldn’t drink. So he told me that God governs his life and I was going to tell him that God does govern his life and that God is telling him to stop drinking but he didn’t give me the chance. He threw us out of his house. On my son´s third day he got thrown out of a house and it was the first time for the two of us. But I have already been here for almost 1 year and 4 months and he has only been here for a few days. So it was an interesting experience for us both. But on Sunday we had a few great investigators go to church, we were able to take 9 people to church which is good. And I also got invited to visit the Seventh Day Adventist church so we are going to go to another church on Saturday morning just to see how false this ladies church is. But we have a few investigators that are progressing and will be baptized on the third of next month, or next week. We also found out the Carla´s parents believe that we are anti-Christ because she prefers to believe all the crap that she hears from everyone. But there is nothing that I can do, we will continue to pass by there because of the girls but I don’t think that I am going to teach he parents anymore because I am tired of looking at her face. But I love her and I hope that some other elders can pass by there in the future and help her feel the truth, because I have tried everything. But that was about the summary of our week. It was a difficult but interesting week. Hopefully this week will be a little bit better. But I hope that everyone is doing well. I am shocked to hear that Whitney has a kid……when I left she was single…..and now she has a family. It is just really weird for me to have to see things changing without being a part of it all. But the next time that you see her, give her a hug for me and tell her that I love her and tell her congrats as well. If possible, visit Adam for me and tell him that he is in my prayers and that I love him. I feel bad that he has to go through this; I wish that I could take the suffering away from him. But it is good that he is repentant and is willing to change his life. But give Grandma Norton and Roberts a hug for me and send a hug to Camille and Becky as well. I am way jealous that you get to spend time with them. I sure do miss them and love them too. But I will let you go and I will stop talking, but I love you mom and I miss you………..8 more months and I am going to give you the biggest hug a kiss ever. I love you tons mom. Send Kaya a hug and tell her to stay out of trouble. Love you ALL!!!!! Until next week.
With All the Love in the World,Elder Jory Brent Spotts

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