Oct. 8, 2008

Hey! how are things going? how is the family? how are kaya and justin doing? and you have gotta to tell Justin oberg to start writing, because i still love him too. how are the politics and the problem with the country? how are the cowboys doing? is t.o. still whining? i hope that the defense picks it up, because that is what we need. it sounds like the team has the talent on offense, but we need the team work of the defense. i hope they can pick it up. but things here i going pretty well, my companion (Elder Williams) and i have been working pretty hard and trying to get our area back on track, because with my last companion we didnt have a lot and he was really trunky so things we really slow. but my new comp. and i are trying to get things done so that we can get this area back on track. we did have a good lesson yesterday at the house of lady that talked about the things that she believes and she pretty much talked about everything that the church believes and she is pretty intelligent and the spirit was there and i hope that something will come out of it. we also had a good family night last night with a member and a few investigators. my companion and i are trying to work with the members, but it is pretty hard when the members dont feel like it is ther responsibility even though the leaders of the church are always talking about how the missionaries are called to teach and the members are called to find and the members are a huge part of missionary work. i dont know it just gets pretty annoying when the members talk about they dont think that it is their job or calling to help us out. but things are going well, the language is going well and i still working on that everyday with studying at least 30 min to an 1 hour. and i know that if i work hard and study i can be the best portuguese speaker in brazil. but things have been going well, it has been very hot. hotter than normal here but we are just trying to stick it out until rainy season which should be coming up here really soon. and i am also starting to see myself shiver at night when my fan is on, which i dont like. because that means that i am getting used to the heat and then when i get home i am going to have trouble adjusting to the colder weather. but whatever it is cool. i received a package today from grandma norton and a few letters. i finally received my first letter from Sherra, because you gave me the wrong address. apparently all her letters where ending up at the Senior Citizen Home. but she is doing well, she is living in colorado now and is going to school there. things are still difficult for her because she has little things in life that are difficult just like everyone else. but if you could put her name on the prayer roll in the temple as well and please pray for her as well. but yeah......things are going well and when you go to grandma roberts house give her a hug for me and do the same for the rest of the family. Robin and his family, Ann and Roger and their family, morgan and his family, and anyone else that you can think of that i love. but i really dont have a lot to talk about. but my companion is a good comp and things are going well. teaching is getter better now, we have had a better week so far this week with only two days of work this week than last week. and i dont think that he knows anyone that works at the prison there in gunnison because his dad is a truck driver, but i really dont have any other details to give. but all is well and i love you and i miss you all. give juston and kaya hugs for me and till them that i love them and that i miss them and that they can write me. i still have yet to get a letter from juston and it has been a while since i got one from kaya. but give loves to everyone for me and i will talk to you next week. love you and miss you
Com Amor, Elder Jory B. Spotts

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