March 3, 2010

Boa Tarde Familiares e amigos. Hey everyone, how is everything going? I hope that all is well. But how is the weather looking? I am excited to feel the cold again. I am so sick of living in the heat; it is over 100 degrees almost everyday. But how is the family? How are our friends? How is juston and kaya? I sure do miss you all and I cannot wait to see you all. Well this week my letter is going to be a little short because not a whole lot has happened this past week. Because of the sickness, but I am better now. I just passed a couple of days on my bed at home. Only getting up to use the bathroom, drink water, and eat. I have never felt so sick in my entire life. I almost cried because of the pain that I was feeling in my head and my entire body. But we still had the baptism on Saturday and that was pretty cool. But I am thinking that it might have been my last baptism on the mission. But it was spiritual like always and we had cake afterwards,Yesterday we had a pretty difficult day, but it seems like everyday has been like that recently. We went knocking doors and talking to a bunch of people in the streets and no one let us enter in their house. But we were still able to teach a little bit in the street and we found a few people to teach as well. But things are difficult but I am still trying to stay busy. It is hard to not think about home because it is already getting so close, but we are still working. Today we went to see Carla and Jane Kelly. I don’t know if you remember them, but Jane returned to Manaus and is living with her mom again and Carla came with her to study. Carla finished high school and now is starting college. And it was really good to see them again. Jane Kelly´s family also got baptized. So it was really cool to see them and play some uno with them and then eat lunch with them. But then Jane Kelly started to cry when we were leaving because it is going to be one of the last times that I am going to see them. That has been the hardest part of the end of the mission so far. I almost cried today when I left their house today too. I am going to really miss everyone here. I love this place and the people that live here.But that is about all that has been happening. Two men that we baptized received the melchezidec priesthood on Sunday. Nelito and Francisco, and Juarez will start preparation here pretty soon too. But I love you all and I don’t really have anything else to say to you all. But I will talk to you all next. Only two more letters.
Elder Spotts

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