Feb. 24, 2010

Hey!!!!! How is everyone? How is the weather? How are preparations coming? I want home coming presents? It isn’t easy being a missionary and I think that they deserves presents when they get home ;). How is the sports world? How is the country? Well let me in on everything, because I am only going to receive three more emails. We will have to see how the letters go, if they will get here or not. And I wanted to know if Kaya has a boyfriend???????? Because I don’t know how many elders and young men here have said that she is good looking, and that they want to be my brother-in-law. Oh, and kaya needs to watch out for a crazy one that is called Elder S. Moreira. He keeps threatening me that he is going to go to the States when he gets off his mission in February next year. But everything here has been going pretty good. On Monday we had Zone conference and it was my last one on the mission so I bore my testimony in front of all the elders. And I couldn’t help it, I cried. These last few weeks are really hard. I am going to miss this place so much and the people that the Lord blessed me to teach. I have learned so much here and I am so glad that I decided to serve the Lord for two years. I have learned things here that I cannot learn anywhere else. I recommend that every young man serve a mission, no that every person serves a mission. Whether when young or old, because you learn things here that you cannot learn in any other place. Yesterday I also got really sick. I will try and describe to you all what I am feeling. I have a high fever, an enormous head ache that is none stop, my back aches, my legs ache, my arms ache, I don’t have any strength, and I can barely walk. I also get very tired very quickly. It sucks, and I think that it is dengue. I don’t know if all know what that is, but it is a sickness that comes from mosquitoes. And on the first time that you get it you live and pass A LOT of pain. But the second time you body cannot handle it and you begin to bleed from every open hole in you body. So pray that I don’t get it again. And pray that I can get better; I really need those prayers. But don’t worry, the Lord will bless me.Other aspects of the work are going good as well. Juarez is progressing really well. I confirmed him to the Aaronic Priesthood and ordained to the office of a priest on Sunday. And two men that we baptized here in this area are going to receive the Melchezidec Priesthood on this coming Sunday. So I am very excited about that. We are also going to have a baptism on Saturday and we have marked another baptismal date for March. And we are trying to mark some others as well. My companion and I are working a ton and having some pretty good success in the area right now. We are teaching a few families that are really cool too and are progressing pretty well. Hopefully they will get baptized as well.Last night at Juarez’s house he born his testimony to us and it was very spiritual, he really really knows that this is the Lord Church. He is also already started inviting his family members to go to church and we haven’t even taught him about the importance of missionary work. It has been going really awesome with him. And the members have started to help us a lot more too. We have been having meetings in their homes and they invite people and so do we, so we receive referrals too. The Lord has really been blessing us lately. It would have been cool if my entire mission could have been like this. But it seems like that now that I am getting the hang of the work and really know what to do I am already finishing. It is kind of annoying. But the mission has always been like this, President always transfers me when things are going really and the work is starting to progress, so I am already used to it.But that is about all that I have to say this week. Things are going good, I am just a little sick right now but I am happy because I am going to see you all in 28 days. I want a huge party and I want to invite a bunch of people to be at the airport. It songs like Justin Oberg wants to be there and I know that Clint will want to go. Just invite everyone that wants to go. Tell everyone and don’t have any party until I get home. Because I don’t want any one running out of cash before I get home. But I love you all and I hope that everything is going good. Give everyone hugs and kisses for me. I truly love you all and I dream about you all every night. Last night I dreamed that Justin and I were at our old house in Alaska and that we brought to sexy babes with him too. It was a pretty sweet dream I cannot lie. But I love you all and I sill talk to you all next week. Everyone better stay out of trouble and get ready to go to church on the first Sunday that I get home. and Mom you need to talk to my bishop and stake president as soon as possible so that they know that I am coming home and so that I can get released as soon as possible, because I don’t want to have to sin as a missionary(breaking mission rules) when I get home, but until next week. 4 more weeks, or as Elder Keller says, 3 more weeks and 7 days.
Elder Jory Spotts

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