Jan. 13, 2010

Hey! i am just writing this quick letter to you because i wanted to ask you about my schooling. How are the application going? was i accepted at utah state? i can see that you havent finished my BYU application and i havent heard anything about my SUU application or my UVU application. I really need you to get this done as soon as possible. Today would be better than tomorrow. The faster you get it done the better chance i have at getting in. This is my future that we are talking about and because i am on the mission i am forced to rely on you to get it done. If i was at home i would already had finished it last year. PLEASE!!!!!! Get this done AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Thanks! Your Son, Elder Jory B. Spotts

Hey everyone! How have things been going? How was the week? How is life in the states? I has the weather been? How has the family? And friends? The ward? Well I hope that everything is going good. I sure do miss you all and cannot wait to arrive home and see you all. And that day is coming up a lot faster than we think, just a couple more months and a few more weeks. But yeah…..Things here have been going pretty good. Nothing has really changed in these past few days. We have been working and we have been finding some pretty cool people and also losing people that are not able to recognize the whispers of the still small voice. Lately we have been teaching a man called Juarez. He is a elderly man, 62 years old, and is very intelligent. He has a lot of knowledge about the gospel and has had a lot of spiritual experiences in his own life. So on the first visit like always we taught the first lesson and we left the Book of Mormon with him. We left a strong promise that if he read and prayed he would know that it is true. So a few days passed and we returned to his house and he sat down to teach the second lesson. But first we had to follow up on the reading and the prayer. Se we did and he began to tell us how he KNEW that the Book of Mormon was true and how he loved reading it. He had finished the entire first book of Nephi and practically told us everything about it and what he had learned. He absolutely loved the Book of Mormon so much that he said that it is better than the bible, because it explains the principles of the gospel in such an easier way to understand and because it is a very interesting book. He told us that he wants to continue reading and he wants to finish it and then he said that he might even join the church. He said that he has seen and followed so many different teachings but said that what he teach is much better than anything that anyone else teaches and that what he has read is much better than anything else that he has ever read. We are rally enjoying teaching him because of his knowledge and the Great Spirit that we feel in his house. If he gets baptized he will be a very good leader in the church and will really help the members in this ward. So hopefully he is able to see and more importantly feel the truthfulness of the everlasting gospel which we now expound as missionaries. It has been a great blessing teaching him, he has strengthened my testimony in the gospel.On Monday we also had zone conference and we enjoyed the lessons that the assistants taught and the words of our Mission President and his wife. Like always it was very spiritual and was good to hear their words. It is a little weird though because both of the assistants were my companions, Elder Mills from Wyoming and Elder Del Guerso from Rio de Janeiro. But it was always good see them. I sat with them and we chatted about the mission and how we are all getting ready to go home soon. Elder Del Guerso is going home in February and Elder Mills and I are going to be going home together. But at conference they talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and the Second lesson, The Plan of Salvation. So we learned a ton and enjoyed it. And I haven’t talked to president yet, but I did do a lot of praying and thinking about extending my time here. And I think that it was just a phase that I went through. So I don’t think that I am going to be extending my time. I will be coming home on the 23rd of March. So I will most likely arrive on the 24th or so.Well things have been going good and I sure do miss you all. But continue to pray for me and help me, because my time is not over yet. But I love you all and I hope that everything can go the way that you all need it to. I pray for you all and I hope that your leg can get better soon dad and I hope that you can get better soon as well mom. I miss you and keep my updated on the playoffs, on the things that are going on there, and mom especially on my schooling, because that is very important. But I love you all and I miss you all as well. I hope that you all have a great week and I will talk you all next week. With Love, Elder Jory B. Spotts

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