Nov. 25, 2009

Hey everyone! How have things been going? I hope that everything is going good. How was thanksgiving? I am sure going to miss my favorite holiday. And I am going to miss you all very much tomorrow too. But you will all have to let me know how everything is going and how the holiday went. And you are going to have to tell me about the BYU vs. Utah game as well. That is always the best game of the year and hopefully BYU wins this year. But things here have been going pretty good. Just work and work. But things have been going pretty good. We have been losing and finding new people to teach all the time. It doesn’t even seem like we really get to know the people before they decide to reject the gospel. But we are going to have two baptisms this Sunday. So mom you read my letter wrong….sorry. But we didn’t have a baptism last week. But the baptisms are going to happen this coming week. And my companion and I do not seem like to be the as happy about the baptism as the couple that is going to be baptized. We talked with them yesterday and taught for the last time before their baptismal Interview and they are really excited. They are totally ready for the baptism. Everything we ask them to do they do it. We asked them to stop drinking coffee and they stopped immediately. They also asked us about a few things that the love to do like play Domino and face cards and they said that they are willing to stop if they have to. But we explained to them that they can. They know that the gospel is true and are really excited about their baptism. I learned a lot from them teaching them. I learned that I didn’t have anything to do with their conversion….it was ALL the spirit. They were prepared by and touched by the spirit. And I am excited for the baptism on Sunday.Things have been going pretty good with my companion as well. We are getting along well and things are looking pretty good. We are working well together and I am really enjoying the mission. I think that I am now having the best time of the mission right now because I have learned the language and I have almost mastered the mission techniques. i cant say that I am the best missionary because that would be a lie. At times I feel like I have no idea what I am doing, but when I follow the Spirit and the Lord everything works out. We are looking at having a few baptisms next month as well. We have a few investigators that are really interested in the gospel and they are really enjoying the lessons. But yeah the mission is going good, but I am having trouble forgetting how much time I have left. I cannot get that out of my head to matter how hard I try to forget I always remember that I have got 17 weeks left……16 more pdays.But I really cannot think of anything to write to you all. This letter is going to be a little bit shorter than usual…sorry. I still love you all but I am not really remembering anything that is going on. We did have a bbq with some of the ancients….the old missionary, and I am one of them. It is really weird to think about that. I don’t feel any different. And next week there is a family in one of my old areas that is wanting to put together a little party for my birthday. So next pday I am going to have a party and that will be pretty good. But yeah………I sure do miss you all and I love you and I hope that everything is going good. Mom, I wanted to ask you something but I forgot….oh yeah…..were you able apply to those schools for me yet or not. If not you need to get on that. Because if you don’t it is going to be harder for me to enter into them. So please apply as soon as possible and send loves to everyone at Grandmas house for thanksgiving. I love you all and I miss you;
With Love, Elder Jory B. Spotts

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