Nov. 18, 2009

Hey! How is everything going? I hope that everything is going good. How was everybody´s week? It seems like things have been pretty crazy. But it is good to hear that everything is going good. Things here have been going good. Just the same old stuff every day. The same old schedule everyday. Wake up, study, and walk and walk and talk and talk and work and work, then plan, then sleep and it start all over again.But Saturday we had ourselves a baptism and that went pretty well. It was a little frustrating because at the last minute my companion and I decided to try and get some jumpsuits and when we went to the closet there was only one and it was for a little child……so that wasn’t going to work. So after running around trying to find some jumpsuits we were able to find one at home and one at the Ward Missionary Leader´s house. So thank goodness we were able to have the baptism. Then another thing happened. We didn’t know that they were having mutual the same night either. So we didn’t get started on time, we had to wait for mutual to finish because they were using the home that we were going to have the Baptismal Meeting in. but after a little bit of stress and worry, we were able to have the baptism. And it went pretty good. The spirit was there like always and I really enjoyed it. I gave the message about Baptism and my companion and I sang a special musical number. He played the flute while I sang and it turned out to be a very spiritual meeting. Which is good, because the guy that got baptized had been being taught for a long time. But didn’t decide to get baptized until now. But it turned out to be good.But we had ourselves a pretty good week this week. We had a few up and downs, but we finished the week off with a baptism and it went really well. We have been teaching a few people that have a lot of doubts so we have been trying to answer all their questions, but after answering one they always come up with another. It´s almost like they are trying to find flaw in the church or in the gospel. We had a little bit of an experience a few days ago. While arriving at lunch my companion saw a lately carrying a bucket full of water and he said that the spirit told him to help her, so he did and after carrying her bucket full of water for her he asked her if we could pass by her house. And to find out she had talk to her neighbor, a member, about us and she said that if we truly are servants of God and if she truly needs to her our message we will go to her. So we did, the spirit led my companion thru an act of charity to help her. So we went to her house and we taught her and her husband. She paid a lot of attention during the message and really enjoyed it, but her husband was being a little hard hearted and said that he doesn’t believe that God and Jesus are two separate beings. So I grabbed the bible and used some scriptures and testified. And well he decided to have us pass by on Friday and he is going to invite his pastor. So we are going to have a GREAT experience on Friday. But we are not to going to argue, just teach and testify and is they don’t accept we are going to leave. But I already decided that we are NOT going to Bible Bash with him. We have also been teaching an inactive member and after a great lesson at his house he finally went to church and he took his non-member wife as well. He also said that he is going to go back to church and we are going to see if we can’t teach his wife as well. But things have been going really well. My companion and I were having trouble for a while, but we kept at it and we are being blessed now. I learned so much with Elder Sales. I learned a lot about the importance of being obedient and diligent and the blessings the Lord gives to those that are obedient and diligent. But yesterday he got transferred and I received a new companion yesterday. Elder Menezes from Piauí, he is from the same state as João and Franciane ,the family that we baptized about 9 months ago. And they are doing really well; they are firm in the church and doing really well. It has been a long time since that last time that I saw or talked with them. But I am glad to hear that they are doing well. It is the best feeling in the world hearing that they people that you baptized are still active and strong. There is a young boy that my companion and I baptized a year ago that is going to go on a mission and another young man that is going to be going about the time that I return home. The amazing blessings that the Lord has given me, i love the mission and hope that the Lord allows me to be a part of at least one more miracle before I get home. And I believe that is going to happen next week when we baptized a couple that is awesome. They really want to get baptized and follow the gospel. And things are going good with them so far. Their son is a member of the ward here and it has been cool teaching them. Because they do everything that we ask. But yeah, I love the mission and the things I am learning. I have a new opportunity to learn now with my new companion so we will have to see what the Lord has is mind for us.Mom, well I am glad to here that Kaya is alright after that accident I am glad that she hit the tree. I sure do miss her and want to see her when I get home. So tell her to be more careful. But I hope that everything is going good. But I need to know the address of the new house, because the mission needs to know. They will have to send things to you when I am getting ready to return home and sometimes they send other things. So send that to me as soon as possible. And you already sent the package to me or will send it to me in three weeks. And yesterday one of my favorite companions went home and said that he was going to give you guys a call so be ready for that one. His name is Elder Mathew Milkanin from Riverton. He is way cool; he reminds me a lot of Steve. But I love you and hope that all is well and will talk to you next week. And you forgot to answer the questions that i asked in my last letter. so look at the letter again and anser them please i wanna now all that stuff.
With Love, Elder Jory B. Spotts PS>>>I am working on this poem…….I´m no savior,I´m no superman,I´m no hero,I´m just a simple man.Black and white, without color.A bum without shoes,I´m just a simple man. Plain, No thunder, nor lighting….just rain. I´m a simple man.A lion without his mane.Just me, a simple man.

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