Nov. 11, 2009

Hey Everyone,How is everything going? How was this week for everybody? I hope that it went well for everyone. How is the weather now? How is the family? I hope that everyone is doing good. But things here have been going good. My companion and i had a prety good week this week. And we have been enjoying ourselves.Yesterday we had a pretty good experiences and some blessings fall from heaven. My companion and i had marked with a new couple to teach them yesterday. They have already gone to church a couple of times but they live in a different but visit our ward because their son goes to our ward. And their son...or someone...had told us that they were being taught by some other elders in a different ward so we didnt really think anything. But then on Sunday they came to us and said that they wanted to be taught because it seems like they had scheduled a few times with the elders in their area but they never went to their house. So they drive from their house to our chapel just to be taught by us now. So we were teaching them the first lesson yesterday and the spirit was there and is was a good lesson. And at the end we asked them if they had any questions and the only question they had was.......What do we have to do to get baptized? we are now looking at baptizing a couple in the next couple of weeks. And it was a blessing from the Lord. Because we had been having some trouble finding any investigators that are actually interested in the gospel. And after praying and fasting the Lord gave us even better, a family that wants to be baptized and soon too. So that was pretty cool.My companion has also been feeling pretty sick lately, so yesterday we stayed at home. In the morning he didnt want to leave because he wasnt feeling very well. But i made him leave and we went to na appointment and lunch, but he was feeling really bad so we went home and stayed home. So i got in some good reading yesterday in the Bible and i found out that David was red-headed. In the english bible it says ruddy but in the Portuguese bible it say ruivo....which means red-headed. So i thought that was pretty cool. But yeah......on Sunday we also had another guy that we had stopped teaching because we marked his baptismal date and at the last minute he decided to not get interviewed. So we stopped teaching him and said that if wants to get baptized he can come talk with us because he had been getting taught since march and hadnt made a decision yet. But on Sunday we went to his house because his entire family are members. And he told us that he wants to get baptized on Saturday. So he we will have another baptism as well. The Lord has trully been blessing us. We were really struggling for a while and now things are just falling out of the sky. But i am not going to complain because i like it.But lately we have just being working with members and have been passing by their houses to leave messages with them and ask for referrals. And we are starting to have a little bit of success with that as well. The members are starting to get referrals for us. So that is good. But yeah......we are just working and trying to do our best and are having a little bit of success. Things have been going pretty good and nest week we are going to have another transfer and one of best companions is going to go home. So i am going to miss him. But he lives pretty close to i will definetly go visit him and hang out with him when i get home. And i am starting to fill a less trunky lately and the time is flying by. I really do love missionary work. I am learning a lot and my companion and i are trying to better ourselvs a lot. We established a bunch of new goals to try and do better. I am having some of the best times of my mission right now. President has really been helping us out a lot. He really is a spiritual and inspired man. It almost seems like he knows more about us than we do. But i love you all and things are going good. Thanksgiving is coming up and i am really going to miss you guys on that day but that is alright. But i hope that everyone had a good week. I sure do miss you all and i love you. And i wish the best for all and i pray for you all as well.Mom, How have things been going? How is kaya doing? Is she enjoying the braces? I was kinda thinking that i might want to get some when i get home as well. How is the new house? How long have you guys been living there? I really wish you guys would stop hiding things from me. I dont worry to much about you guys. I know that you are all in the Lord´s hand and that he will take care of you. So dont think that i am worrying to much about you. Just tell me what happens when is happens instead of waiting for ever. But where is this house at? Is my room big? How is my tv? How is my laptop? Did you guys move all my stuff too? Is troy still living with you guys as well? How is work? How is school going for kaya? How is kezia doing? And how are her kids? I havent heard anything from them recently. But send them hugs and tell them that i love them and that i miss them too. But i hope that everything is going good. I sure do you miss you all and i love you . but i will talk to you all next week.
With Love, Elder Jory B. Spottsps.....i started learning italian and i am really enjoying that. I have a Book of Mormon in italian and i am starting to read it. It is pretty easy to understand because of portuguese. They are similar.

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