Mar. 25, 2009

Hey! well how is everything going there now? i hope that things can turn out better for kaya. i am just a little disappointed to hear some of the things that are going on there. i dont understand why juston and kaya dont seem to want anything to do with the gospel. i really dont even know what is going on at home. that is probably the worst part about being on a mission. you really dont know what is going on at home. you kinda know but not everything, and you cant do anything about it. but yeah.....i hope that something will kick those two in the face, and i hope that is hits them hard. because they need to realize where to put their priorities. but that day will come some day. Things here are going pretty well. Hump day is coming right around the one week. which means that everything is just down hill from there. but things are going good, i think that you might have misunderstood me too. because we didnt have any baptisms on saturday, but they are going to happen this saturday. but we were able to participate in a dedication of the new stake center that they just finished here. they are getting ready to form a new stake rightnow as well. the gospel and the church is really growing here. our ward here is going to be dividing in a month or so as well. things have just been going really well as well. the members have really been helping us out to try and strengthen the ard for the division. which is going good, because in this month a lot we have been able to baptize 6 different families. and they are really helping us to get them ready to receive the priesthood, the higher one......Melquisedeque in potuguese. i dont know what it is in english anymore. i have really been losing my ebglish lately. but it is good, because i am starting to like portuguese more than english. because it is becoming easier than english. but things here are going good. i sang two solos on friday at a presentation and we gave at the open house of the new stake center and apparently that went pretty good. and this morning i finally was able to kill the mouse in our house. i have been trying fot three months now and i minally got it with a mouse trap. one of the families that is getting baptized saturday gave me one and i put some bread with peanut butter on it and it died. i took some pictures and will try and send some to you a little later, some time in the future. i still have an entire cd to send you you guys still and i will have another one here in a little bit. but things are going awesome and i am really loving the mission now. we have been having some really good success in this area and with this awesome ward. i also got a letter from Marcelo(the young man that i baptized that is going to go on his mission) he is doing awesome and loving the gospel more and more each day. he said that he is excited to go on his mission to serve the Lord and he just got such a great testimony. i am so glad that the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to teach him and baptize him. and it is people like him that make the mission worth all the hard times and all the struggles. but things are going awesome here. i just hope that you can help kaya get herself on the right track, i love her but i sure wish that she would go to seminary and to church. same thing with juston. dad told me that juston should be getting his GED nest week or something like that, which is good and i am glad that he has made that decision. i just hope that he can now make the decision to change his life around. i love him and kaya soooo much and hope that the Lord can bless them with the smack in the face that they need. but i didnt receive your package yet, but it will probably get here pretty soon then. i hope that you sent me a tie in it, because i really want to give a tie to an elder that i served with here in this area. he was already transfered to another area, but i want to give him one. so if you could in your next package send me a tie and some deodorant( i think that is right). and tell jeremiah that i still cant believe that he is a father, pretty soon......steve is going to have a kid. just imagine that!! haha but i love you mom and i miss you and i love everyone there. give kaya and everyone else a hug for me. i love you tons and i will talk to you next week.
Com Amor, Elder Jory B. Spotts

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