Sept. 23, 2009

Dear Family and Friends,
How was the week this week? I hope that everything is going good. Things here are going pretty good. Atleast i dont have to much to complain about. The weather is still HOT HOT AND HOT. But winter(rainy season) is coming up pretty soon, which will be a blessing. But i will have to think a little bit about the things that have happened this week.....Well we did have a pretty good week. We ran into a couple of problems because we have an Elder that lives in our house that is dying(going home in two weeks). He is dead......the only thing that he wants to do is stay at home. So we go on splits a lot with Elder Mills so that his area doesnt go way down. He is already struggling enough because his companion doesnt want to work. So i figured that my companion and i could help them out a little bit. They are going to have a baptism on Saturday and we are looking at baptizing a 17 year old girl on the 3rd. But we did have a couple of cool and funny experiences this week.The first stroy will be the funny the we were teaching the girl that we is preparing to get baptized, Liza, the third lesson which is about the first principles and ordinances of the gospel....Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Holy Spirit, and Endure to the End. And the lesson was going really well and at the end of the lesson i felt like i needed to invite her to be baptized, so i did. She accepted but she said she has a few doubts . but after accepting the funny thing that happened was she said that she entered into the church because of my companion. She said that she wants to date i asked her if she thought these things were true and she said that she really thinks that what we are teaching is true but she got interested in the church because of hime. She says, ´Ele é LINDO´. Which means that he is really good looking. And it is funny because he got really embarrassed and had no idea what to say. I started laughing a little bit. because she really wants to date him but we had to explain to her that he cant because he is a missionary and that he cannot date until after the mission. So she decided to say that she is going to wait for him and the entire time my companion was all red and didnt say a single word. I had to do all the talking, because he is a little bit of a shy guy or as some people say he is a nerd. But he is way cool. I like him a lot, he is a great mission. Elder Mills and i always joke around with him because he knows a ton of stuff that doesnt have any value. But he is cool.The other story is a little bit spiritual. It was an awesome experience. On Saturday we were walking to an appointment and we passed a guy that was sitting a lone with his baby son. And i felt like i should talk to him, so i did. We went and explained about the family and he really enjoyed the conversation so we gave him a pamphlet that talks about the families and the first lesson for him to read and we marked a day to go to his house(the next day). So on Sunday after church we went his house and we taught the first lesson to him, Cristiano, and his wife, Patrícia, and we to find out he read the entire pamphlet and really loved it. We taught him and during the lesson he stopped us and asked if he could say something, and we said yes and let him talk really fast. And i thought that he was going to say something about the church and how is was wrong or something. But to my surprise he said these words, ´Vocês trazem a bênção.` You bring the blessing.....or what it really means is that we brought a different feeling in the house. He said that he felt peace and joy and really enjoyed our presence in the house. And i really thought that was cool, because no one had ever said that on the mission. It was the first time that i had heard that and it was awesome. To know that we really do carry the Spirit with us everywhere that we go. But they turned out to be an awesome family and we are going to go back there pretty soon. He said that he really enjoyed the Joseph Smith story. We will just have to see if we really did find an elect family or not. But i really enjoyed the experience in there house. But things have been going really well and we are having some success lately. Atleast it seems like it. We dont have anyone to baptize, but we have a couple of people that are really progressing and if they go to general conference i know that they are going to get baptized. So we are trying to take a TON of people to conference because it is the most spiritual event that they have in the church. Just about every single person that we took to last General Conference got baptized because of it. So i am getting really excited for that. But yeah....I hope that everything is going really good with everyone. I sure do love you all and i miss you guys sooooooooo much. And Yes Mom i am WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY TTTTRRRRUUUUNNNKKKYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I cannot lie. I love the work with all my heart. I love the joy that the gospel brings to the people. I have had the opportunity to help a ton of people and i am so thankful for the time that i had here. But i am just about ready to go home. Because i miss you guys so much. But i am still working hard and i wont stop working. Because a missionary cannot do his OWN will but always has to do the LORDS will. And beause i promised the Lord that i would give him Two Years, not a year and a half. So dont worry about me mom. Yes i miss home a TON and i cant wait to get home. But i am going to continue to work until the end. Not for me, but for the people, and for the Lord.But i got a few letters from Sherra today and that made me WAY trunky. Because she sent a ton of pictures. Of Alexis Melbergs wedding and Elliot Tuttle got married too. And it brought back a ton of old memories and i couldnt stop thinking about home and how much i miss everything. But i love you tons and i hope that everything is going good for you guys. It makes me sad knowing that my father doesnt help me on my mission, but i love Robin and Juleah tons because they have helped me out so much. And i know that someday i will be able to thank them and i will. It just sucks that Mike has decided not to serve a mission. But in a few years he will regret it, because we will see the consequences. Because the mission is incredible. You CANNOT replace it with anything else. You learn soooo much. But yeah.....i love you all and i miss you all as well. I hope that eveything is going good. And dont forget about the college stuff, i really need to start doing that. I love and i miss you tell Kaya that i love her and that i miss her and tell Juston the same thing the next time that you see him.
Elder Spotts

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