Letter June 11, 2008

Hey! how are things going? i have good news and some bad news. ok the good news first. my package came, and the bad news is i cannot receive it from the post office until i pay 180 American Dollars or about 300 Reais. so yeah i am going to need some money put into my checking account, the account at Freedom Credit union. and i know that you might not have alot of money, so just try and put in as much as you can and i can take care of the rest. because i have some money in the account that grandma norton has set up for me. i just dont know how much. i know at least one hundred dollars. but yeah, see what you can do with that and i will just check the account the next time that i go to the post office, which will probably be next p-day. but enough about the less important stuff. i have been having a great time, it isnt easy walking about 12 or more miles a day. and my feet and legs hurt after every day. and it doesnt help the it is so hot that my clothes are soaked with sweat. but other than that i love it here. the spirit is so strong and we have some investigators that are starting to make some good progress. we have one family that has a date set for baptism but the couple have to get married first. so they will be married on the 21st and then on the 22nd they are getting baptized. at least three of them are so far, but the spirit is just so strong when we go over there. they are a great family. in fact we went over there a couple of nights ago and should them the movie The Testaments and the spirit was so strong that entrie family was in tears and it was an amazing experience to see the spirit touch the hearts of the non-members that we are teaching and to see the joy that it brings them. the mother was talking forever after the movie and i couldnt understand everything that she was saying. but i am pretty sure that she was talking a lot about here family and how much she loves them and it was just and amazing experience. the gospel is true. and a few nights before that we should the movie the restoration to a small family and the spirit was just so strong. it has just been amazing, i love being a missionary. oh and the language........i definetly dont have it done as well as i thought i did, it is so much harder to teach when you are actually teaching real investigators. so i have a ways to go with that, the language is a huge barrier. but i will get over it, the Lord has already been helping me with that. because i seem to be able to understand more and more everday. but all the missionaries say the by the 2nd month i should be talking pretty good portuguese. so i will just hang in until then and just keep studying it and working hard and it will come. i try not to worry about it. but it isnt a big problem, because my companion and i can communicate and that is really good. and the american in our apartment is from Orem, Elder Robinson and he helps me out a little bit all the time. especially when i really need it and he is pretty cool. but it has been really good for me to have a Brazilian companion because if i didnt i wouldnt learn the language as quickly. and we had Zone conference this past week and all the new missionaries had to bear their testimonies and everyone said that mine was the best. and i have no one to thank but my Heavenly Father, because this past week i have never felt more tranquilo and calm than every before in my life. the Lord is watching out for me and you need not worry about me at all. things are just awesome. I am serving in the area called Adrianópolis in the middle of the city. so i havent seen any snakes or monkeys or anything like that, my companion and i did see an iguana dead in the middle of the road smashed like a pancake it was pretty nasty. and it sounds like juston is doing good and i will continue to keep him in my prayers. give eveyone hugs for me and tell them all that i love them. i love you tons.Élder Jory B. Spotts

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